About Barbara J. Hawkins

Barbara J. Hawkins
1948- 2000

Barbara Hawkins was a teacher and the principal at North Carol City Elementary from 1990 to 2000.  The school was renamed in her honor in 2000.

“Barbara J. Hawkins was a principal who spent endless hours developing and implementing programs for her ‘precious babies’ so they would have the ‘tools’ to improve their reading, writing and mathematics skills.  Student Achievement was our principal’s first, but not the only priority.  She also provided a safe learning environment and many self-esteem activities for all of the students.  Project Proud, Nine-week honor roll assemblies, Do The Right Thing and the Boys Mentor Group are just some of the many activities Mrs. Hawkins implemented.  Mrs. Hawkins was a role model to her staff, parents and students.  She was a ‘teacher’ of the grandest scale.  She also taught them that ‘if you dream it you can achieve it’ and many of our students matured into young ladies and gentlemen who are now attending colleges majoring in the fields of education, law enforcement, business management and medicine.  ‘Every child can and will learn’ was Mrs. Hawkins philosophy.

“Mrs. Hawkins may not be visible everyday to walk the halls of North Carol City Elementary, but her spirit and her legacy will.  Her students continue to excel and become the bright, young ladies and gentlemen that she would expect them to be.”

-written by Ms. Linda Harrison, Assistant Principal at North Carol City Elementary 1990-2000